Understanding how we contribute to a future where everything is ‘Going Green’ is essential.
It is imperative to be aware that what we buy, how we use and by what means we dispose of everything we come across has an environmental impact. Therefore we must be informed, aware and proactive about ways to become more sustainable wherever possible.
Implementing strategies to manage waste in both work and home can be a step in the right direction to reduce your plastic footprint.

Reduce - Make greener purchasing decisions in business and home, example.. Reduce your plastic pollution by introducing compostable bags & start a compost bin.
Reuse - Ensure you re-purpose where it is possible to ensure maximum usage, example.. Reuse your waste bags where non-liquid waste and plastic wares are disposed of.
Recycle - Utilise council facilities to recycle whatever you can, example… Recycle your plastic, tins and paper and add a green waste/organic bin.
Compostable and Degradable waste bags are a great green initiative to introduce.
Compostable bags are made of natural corn-starch. They break down into organic matter with no toxic residues, just like food organic waste, to become soil fertiliser and plant food. With a shelf life of approximately 12 months from date of manufacture if kept in ideal conditions. Ideally suited for kitchen waste for collection of food scraps and placed into a green organics (FOGO) bin, or put into your own compost bin.
Certified compostable corn-starch bags are now available, and by purchasing these bags you will also be supporting the Great Barrier Reef Foundation for every sale our supplier donates a percentage to this valuable cause. Buy from our Online Shop.
Degradable bags are made from plastic with an EPI additive that causes the plastic to break down and disintegrate over time when exposed to sunlight and heat. With a shelf life of approximately 24 months from date of manufacture if kept in ideal conditions. Ideally suited for your general waste bin.
Degradable Green garbage bags, Black garbage bags, Natural garbage bags and White kitchen tidy bags can be purchased via our Online Shop.
Learn more from our resources:Australian Standard AS4736 Australian Government-Managing Australia’s Organic Waste Australian Academy of Science-We can transform food waste Planet Ark-Business Recycling Food Scraps The Conversation-Australia's Waste